Be it the development of a "class reunion" software for a large European publishing house, expert software for the interactive merging of target groups, the development of recruiting events for S&P 500 companies, such as NIKEtown Berlin, the organization of virtual trade fairs, the development of a portal for a tourism company, the establishment of the world's largest financial platform for former currencies - we can proudly present successful projects.
The GFC area "development of projects & their sale" has grown historically and resulted in the classic field of investments/mergers & acquisitions for companies/projects in the early phase. We still enjoy picking up ideas, developing them and implementing them alone or with partners. We are prepared to take the risks that this entails.

If interesting projects turn into more than a temporary assignment, we are happy to invest in the respective company: from one-woman-show (see current ad) to midsize company. A large network of investment companies gives us access to co-investors and all players in the financial market.
And for you and your startup idea: Hardly anything is more exciting in professional life than to become independent with an idea, THE idea. Leaving the classic professional life as an employee behind, and creating your own value. Possibly a great legacy for mankind, one's own family and/or the best variant to fill one's own professional life in a meaningful, demanding but of course also risky way.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us - just send an email to Andreas
Thank you very much. Every inquiry - really every(!) - will be answered quickly and of course treated discreetly.