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Don´t worry: we don't list how great we are. We are a group of AI experts - not less not more. And we´re interested in your questions and problems. See below or click here

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AI Consulting with gfc-ai.comAI Consulting with
Recruiting with AIRecruiting with AI
Recruiting sucks! I hardly receive any applications. The top graduates all want to work at Apple & Co...
Learn how to do futuristic market researchLearn how to do futuristic market research

I would love to know my customer better! But where are the easy and payable tools to ask them?

M&A for startups, very small-, small- and midsize companiesM&A for startups, very small-, small- and midsize companies
AI, Customer, Taxes, Competition, Supply Chains...I´m so tired about all this - wouldn´t it be much easier to sell my whole business?
How to generate passive incomeHow to generate passive income
Charity, Politics, the Wall Street and the Army? How does that fit together?
Let´s build books, do fine journalism and excellent studies for media companiesLet´s build books, do fine journalism and excellent studies for media companies
The written word? Old fashioned book projects in the "Age of AI"?
Are you kidding me?
How charity, army activities, the stock market and politics fit togetherHow charity, army activities, the stock market and politics fit together
Everyone talks about
"Passive Income". But it all sounds much simpler than it actually is.
Over 10.000 AI-webpages - and still growing... That makes me nervous... How can I and my company benefit from it?

We explain AI to you! We provide an overview. Your team, your company learns first-hand what AI actually means, what the current state is "out there" (What is there anyway?) and - most importantly - we show you how you can use AI optimally for your company. Very simple, with fixed prices and no surprises.

Since chatGPT went live - we've been fascinated, terrified, overwhelmed, disappointed, and then thrilled again. A true roller coaster ride of emotions. Because - by far - not everything that has an AI label is even remotely suitable for optimizing mine, yours or companies' daily lives. Fortunately, however, it was and still is fun for us to filter out and analyze those offers that not only promise real added value, but also deliver it.

We have a "Top 100" agenda, with what we consider to be the very good AI offerings. We focus on these and are happy to share our know how. There are enough AI business examples, like automated posting of social media posts, the own chat bot on the homepage, optimizing the own Q&A offers - and so much more!

Just drop us a line MORE

AI Consulting

Quality, not quantity! Recruiting with AI in 2024

You don't get any good applications? Or none at all? We solve that. We ask questions and analyze your specific problems, but also your advantages as an employer. But hardly anyone knows them, right?

We have the expertise: recruiting- and e-recruiting-events with over 1,000 participants, direct search with an average of 15 placements per year since 2010, books on proper recruiting, HR databases, employer branding

My goodness, that reads like a lot, even for us.

So, let us do it. We are currently also taking a different approach to recruiting. No ads, no posters or the like. Only direct approaches are successful. Here, we work with our own videos to promote lesser-known employers who also offer top working conditions (not just Apple). With the result: "Oh, until now I only knew the company as a product provider. That they can be so exciting as an employer is new to me. I'd like to hear more from them."

Give us a chance to present our way of recruiting. Maybe start by emailing you the video link to our latest "Recruit a Technical Project Manager"? Could be a good start. First check how we work, then decide how we may help you!

Recruiting with AI in 2024Recruiting with AI in 2024
Recruiting with AI in 2024Recruiting with AI in 2024
Recruiting with AI in 2024Recruiting with AI in 2024

No, we don't use this web builder with the ever-so-satisfied customer testimonials. We hate it. This clumsy pandering to the user, who is supposed to believe that real customer opinions are reproduced here.
(Polly Positivo)

Instead, we want to offer honest online market research. And that's what we've been doing for 15 years. Because everything from study results, evaluations, presentations, and even "Big Data" makes no sense if the basis is not right. If even the collection of customer opinions has errors. And they do often enough. Be it routine, laziness, lack of know-how, low budgets or simply "the client won't ask anyway" thinking.
(Wendy Webfaker)

So, we know how to interview e.g. 2,000 customers in a monthly rhythm with up to 60 questions. With critical questions and very, very honest answers for you as the client. We are also absolute fans of rewarding customers for taking part. And not with a raffle of "3 iPads", which again nobody checks. No, we transfer X amount to all 2,000 participants and process these transactions as part of a full service package for the client.
(Isaac Inaccuracy)

Try it out - everything can start with an email to Karl, our market research expert. A wonderful and highly efficient cooperation for you and your company!
(False Validation)

Futuristic Market Research

Yes, there are plenty of reasons to think about selling your business. Even if quite a few questions and potential obstacles arise:
" that even possible if I only have 3 employees?",

"My service is really difficult to explain and only serves a small niche",

"our company headquarters is located on the A*** of the world",

"my tax advisor is quite bright - as far as taxes are concerned. But as a salesman...?" etc.

Such phrases are well known to us. And we try to help you to keep an overview in this complex matter. Uncomplicated. We (usually) come up with something to find potential buyers. We actively contact them and don't wait for response from ads. Even if this often results in an initial reaction such as

"I would never have thought that this company would be a good fit for us. But now that we know more...let's talk."

So very similar to recruiting!

Same with your startup idea: don't make it more complicated than it is. What do you have, what can you do, how is your product/service different, what have you done so far and where do you want to go. This information is enough for us in the first step. Done. MORE

How to manage M&A projects for your own companyHow to manage M&A projects for your own company

I should sell my company?
M&A for everyone

And all that - book projects, studies for the media and journalistic publications - can happily continue for the next 20 years. We love the written word!

Therefore, our call to companies and individuals: if you find writing itself, finding topics, formulating results difficult, or if you simply don't have the time and/or desire to do it - let us do it! Again, just email us!

We are a German company with a worldwide network. So there are no language barriers. One face to the customer.

We love this transfer of thoughts into letters. If this results in a book or even a whole series of eleven so-called workbooks - working title "BE PREPARED" - then we are happy and the fun is at its greatest.

So if you have an idea like the one above ("How I would love to write a book..."), if you are dissatisfied with your social media successes or with a text on a website - go ahead, give it a try and write us!

"I always wanted to write a book about the topic XY".

Do you know this sentence from friends, partners or business colleagues? It probably happens a million times a day. But does anything really happen then? And doesn't it also mean that it should be child's play to plan, produce and then successfully place a book on the market? No. Unfortunately it is not. But of course it is a lot of fun to hold a real product in your hands. What you have developed yourself - and that in the world of services!

Book projects with AIBook projects with AI

Parts of the GFC team have practiced writing books early on. With success and often enough without. Often, colleagues by chance or completely different projects gave the initial spark to become book authors. For example, Axel's master's thesis not only became a cover story in the renowned German-language "manager magazin," but also spawned a whole series of nonfiction books. Current book projects

And from these initial successes, the growing GFC team developed a wide variety of products, which were offered on the market primarily under the title "Studies for Media". On behalf of Forbes, STERN, WELT, Der Standard, Wirtschaftswoche and many more, we produced over 100 studies, summarized results and published them accordingly. This transfer from Big Data to the written word, whether in book or magazine form, as a website or as a database, is something we have a good handle on. Please ask by Email if you are interested in our publication list. Thanks

Studies for media with GFCStudies for media with GFC
GFC as a journalistGFC as a journalist

To this day, we are proud to wear our journalist's badge, which came automatically as a result of the many publications in the areas of studies, careers, business, the stock market, politics and travel.

The written word - we make a lot out of it

Build your own dreams with passive income

Utilizing AI technologies for generating passive income online offers the advantage of automation, allowing you to scale revenue streams with minimal ongoing effort. Through AI's ability to analyze data and make real-time decisions, we can optimize strategies and minimize risks. Additionally, AI opens up the possibility of tapping into new, demanding and less demanding income streams MORE

(Our first try from February 2023 to "...tap into less demanding income streams" with these fast-made-simple videos (chatGPT & Canva - 700 short videos generated income of 1k$ within the first month plus a lot of fun)

We organized the return of euros, francs, baht, pounds, dollars etc. from the hundreds of Ronald McDonald money boxes at the McD counters, in which all the coins and bills of the world were collected.

Helping in an uncomplicated way, that is our drive. To exchange cash into helpful projects for the poor. So that medicines in Africa could be organized or relatives with their seriously ill children could sleep. Contact us if you want to do something good or want to participate.

We are still excited about the project
We have been working on it for a long time. Again and again with different energy, as it is, when the project list is longer than what you can work off. But "One -to-One" follows a simple idea that is all the more efficient for it. Maybe you want to get involved?

If just one person in the world who is doing well, who is doing better, cares about even one person who is not doing so well, we would have leverage in the millions.

And many millions of people could be helped directly, uncomplicatedly, rationally. After all, help doesn't just mean money; it also means helping neighbors, giving comfort, donating materials and so much more. Only one does not know where the jackets and toys are shipped to, which are waiting for input in these un-sympathetic, large, like voracious mouths acting tin boxes on our streets.

One suspects and is unfortunately often correct that these goods are sorted by a service provider and then large parts of them are sold to Africa for one euro per shirt, in order to prevent the regional clothing industry from emerging in the first place.

If all this goes against the grain for you, then you've come to the right place. We estimate that we can fall back with all colleagues on many hundred years of charitable experience. Just make use of that. Help us, or we'll help you, or we'll help make you fit to help.

MORE Email

When, what a surprise, there was suddenly money left over at the end of the month, it was invested in the financial market. Initially, for example at the end of the eighties, in individual IPOs, such as Hugo Boss, then in bolder steps.

And these early experiences regarding financial contexts led to even more money being left over, so that larger sums were also available, which then led to larger projects and investments on the stock market. After all, some of us had already started to invest the money at the age of 17. In other words, there is simply more than 40 years of experience in just one person.

And of course we are happy to make this experience in finance available to companies and individuals. We just don't make a fuss about it. This text here is already the biggest outing we have had on this topic in the last centuries. But since we have seen how much good we could do with it, we have decided to venture a little out of the woods.

Write us an e-mail for all questions about investments on the stock market and we will be happy to get back to you immediately.

And charity, what is meant by that?
No, we are not going to tell you where we have invested surpluses from Wall Street (no fishing for compliments).

Historically, we simply came to an active charity commitment through projects and investments. "GFC Old Currencies" offered worldwide the service that all people who still had former currencies in the current Euro-countries, i.e. DMark, Pesetas, Lira, Franc etc. could make an uncomplicated and serious exchange into Euro, Dollar and Swiss Franc. We are grateful to have initiated this project, as it brought us economic success, many, many thousands of satisfied customers and, through the subsequent sale of the company, the first major M&A deal.

The greatest satisfaction, however, came when we were allowed to work for almost all the major charity providers. Initiatives that exclusively take care of the welfare of various target groups, such as Ronald McDonald, such as Action Medeor, which e.g. deliver the famous small transparent boxes at the airports filled with coins and cash from all over the world.

Many words - we know. But what shall we do? We love letters ;-) And explaining the relationship between Charity, Politics and Wall Street isn't easy at all (but worth it):

But let's look behind the facade: We simply have individual team members who are also really good in - let's call it - "more exotic areas". They spend their - sparse - free time in the army, for example. To work there as reservists on projects that benefit many people. For example in the fight against Corona or in multicultural staffs, which take care of the reconstruction in the Ukraine. Not only from our point of view, an honorable occupation, which receives far too little public attention. But maybe it is better that way. This way, the focus can be on the project.

The same goes for politics: more or less by chance Axel got into the role of campaign manager for the federal elections in the Federal Republic of Germany. After his admittedly somewhat naive attitude, smart, intelligent and crazy marketing ideas from business had to have an effect in politics as well. And they did.

After 50 years of SPD, the candidate of another party managed to enter the German Bundestag - with our support. We see ourselves as absolute service providers who find solutions for their customers. So if you are interested in politics in a narrower or broader sense, or if you are looking for (new) ideas, like short videos (youtube 1) (youtube 2) or a questionnaire (download - GE) to ask voters BEFORE the election - go ahead! Write Anne an Email and challenge us. We love it!

And then Wall Street. In our view, a team member, employee, colleague, contractor, partner of the company should not be good only in one specialty, like recruiting or market research. We believe that almost all of life's experiences make a good consultant.

And when the lean times before and after graduation were over, and many of us until then worked on the principle that the money that came in would be spent, this was to change rapidly.

The many good things you can do with AIThe many good things you can do with AI

The Army, Politics, the Wall Street and Charity


Contact Axel, Peter, Andreas, Julia, Eva... for commisions or just to say a few nice words. And for sure - we all hate these f*** contact-buttons, but our IT-Guru from India told us - we have to...

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